falling in love or something like that
it's 4am and I can't sleep and I was thinking of so many things and love - as always - came to my mind.
Too many people think of love as something you only feel about the opposite sex but is that true? I mean, if we think a little aren't we falling in love with the person we meet and what they do instead of what their sex is?
Let's suppose I would be interested in someone: I love to hear that person talk, smile and all that and suddenly I'm in love. That person is a male and I'm a female; "fortunately" and to the eyes of so many people around the world that's what's natural. But maybe someday I'll be so interested in one person and eventually fall in love with and that person is a "she"? does that mean i'm a bisexual or am I just in love with the person? Cause deep inside we're all the same, no matter if you're boy or girl, right?
This never happened to me; So far I've always fell in love with male gender (even though I'm not so lucky...) and I definitely feel attracted to men (sometimes too much, I think); I never felt that for a woman but i can see when someone's pretty.
I don't know if I want to make a point out of this or if I just felt like writing something down, but this is something to think about:
- Do we fell in love with the person or with the gender of that person?
- Isn't it possible that you're looking all your life for a soul mate and in the end your best friend (no matter boy or girl) is that person?
throw your comments, feel free to express yourself: agree with me; call me crazy, whatever... all I know is that I'm going to bed now.
Take care. after reading this again to post it I remind watching a movie called Kissing Jessica Stein and it talks about this. it's a great movie, watch it: "When it comes to love, sometimes she just can't think straight" .
Too many people think of love as something you only feel about the opposite sex but is that true? I mean, if we think a little aren't we falling in love with the person we meet and what they do instead of what their sex is?
Let's suppose I would be interested in someone: I love to hear that person talk, smile and all that and suddenly I'm in love. That person is a male and I'm a female; "fortunately" and to the eyes of so many people around the world that's what's natural. But maybe someday I'll be so interested in one person and eventually fall in love with and that person is a "she"? does that mean i'm a bisexual or am I just in love with the person? Cause deep inside we're all the same, no matter if you're boy or girl, right?
This never happened to me; So far I've always fell in love with male gender (even though I'm not so lucky...) and I definitely feel attracted to men (sometimes too much, I think); I never felt that for a woman but i can see when someone's pretty.
I don't know if I want to make a point out of this or if I just felt like writing something down, but this is something to think about:
- Do we fell in love with the person or with the gender of that person?
- Isn't it possible that you're looking all your life for a soul mate and in the end your best friend (no matter boy or girl) is that person?
throw your comments, feel free to express yourself: agree with me; call me crazy, whatever... all I know is that I'm going to bed now.
Take care. after reading this again to post it I remind watching a movie called Kissing Jessica Stein and it talks about this. it's a great movie, watch it: "When it comes to love, sometimes she just can't think straight" .

At 8:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
I fell in love with the person of the same sex. I was never interested in girls before, I fell in love with who she is. At first, I was afraid to tell my friends about it, but once I did, they said it was alright, that they support me. Now they're coming to me for advice, etc., cos they want to experience everything there is to experience in life. I, on the other hand, am not experimenting. I am truly, madly, and deeply in love, and I know this is going to last a lifetime. You can't choose who you fall in love with, and to let go of your love because of what other people might think would be crazy. Calling oneself bi, or whatever, would be labelling oneself. I don't do that to myself. I am who I am, and I'm in love. And that's all that matters.
At 9:42 PM,
Inês said…
pois é querido... até o podia fazer, mas grande parte da minha gente n é portuguesa e poupo-lhes um grande trabalhinho.
ah!... e querido, o respeito é bonito de se ver.
fique bem.
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